Today: 9:00AM - 7:00PM
  • Destination Kia of Utica

Nov 29, 2023

Destination Kia of Utica’s Guide To Replacing A Headlight:

  • Pop open your hood and use the provided prop stand or another sturdy object to keep it open.
  • Remove the power connector from the back of the headlight. This may require a slight turn or jiggle to get it loose.
  • Remove the dust cover from the back of the headlight. This also may require a small twist to get loose.
  • Some cars have a clip that holds the bulb in place. Press down on this clip to release the light bulb.
  • Grasp the housing of the bulb and pull it out. This step may require a little wiggling to get it loose. Do not pull the bulb by the glass or tug the bulb roughly. This could cause it to break and may result in injury.
  • Holding the old bulb and new bulbs by their housings, compare to make sure they match.
  • To guarantee your bulb is free of dust and fingerprints, gently wipe it with a pre-moistened alcohol wipe or rubbing alcohol on a dust-free cloth.
  • Line up the bulb housing with the open socket and insert carefully. Make sure it’s secure.
  • Slide the bulb back in place and twist if necessary to make sure it’s locked into its spot.
  • Replace the clip (if you have one), dust cover, and power connector.
  • Turn on your headlights to ensure the bulb and connection are working.
  • Close the hood and give yourself a round of applause!